Roots pump


Roots pump Characteristic

1. With the help of an external cooler, the gas automatically circulates and cools the rotor and the pump body. Even if the pump works continuously under a high pressure difference, it will not have thermal overload.

2. The pump can discharge air directly. The pump has many advantages of ordinary roots vacuum pump. It can be used in series with the previous pump or alone.

3. When the pump is used alone, it can directly use the low temperature atmosphere at the exhaust port to return to the pump for cooling without using the cooler. The large pump can obtain a limit pressure of about 13000 PA.

4. When the pump is combined with its own or ordinary roots vacuum pump, oil-free vacuum can be obtained and the system to be pumped is free of pollution.

5. The pump can also be connected in series with the liquid ring pump, reciprocating pump, slide valve pump, screw pump and other previous pumps to form a unit, which can obtain a large pumping speed close to the main pump in the high pressure range. The vacuum system can obtain different vacuum degrees in the range of 10'pa to 5 × 10-2Pa.


Roots pump Application

It can be widely used in the situation where the limit pressure is not high and the pumping speed needs to be high, or in the situation where it needs to be clean and oil-free, and the pumping speed needs to be high.

1) Plant steam condensate system.

2) wind tunnel.

Technical parameter specifications

Model Pumping speed/L/S Extreme pressure/Pa Maximum allowable differential pressure(Pa) Inlet and exhaust diameter/mm Zero flow compression ratio Power range/KW speed/rpm
ZJQ150/ZJQ75 150 16000 80000 100 30 3到15 3000/1500
ZJQ300/ZJQ200 300 16000 80000 160 30 4到30 1500/1000
ZJQ600/ZJQ400 600 16000 87000 200 35 7.5到55 1500/1000
ZJQ1200 1200 16000 87000 250 35 11到132 1500
ZJQ1800 1800 13000 87000 320 40 15到200 1500
ZJQ2500 2500 13000 87000 400 40 18.5到250 1000
ZJQ3750 3750 13000 87000 400 40 30到355 1500

Technical parameter performance curve